Welcome to the

Neuroimmunological Laboratory!

Our Neuroimmunology Laboratory (NIL) was founded in 2004 by Prof. Tjalf Ziemssen, MD. Since then, it has grown steadily and is now led by Prof. Katja Akgün, MD.

Our main research interests are neuroimmunological diseases with a special focus on multiple sclerosis disease. In recent years, many new insights into this disease have been gained, but many questions and aspects of this disease remain unanswered.

In numerous studies we analyze mechanisms of multiple sclerosis development, but also possibilities how immunomodulatory therapy can influence the disease and how response can be assessed by biomarkers.

Our goal is to identify the optimal treatment for each individual patient. To assess various cellular and immunological properties, we use numerous experimental procedures and methods. Our spectrum includes cell culture, FACS analyses, ELISA, cell sorting, cell mechanics and HD1 analyzing.

To Neurofilament light chain analysis ...

Our Team

Lead: Prof. Dr. med. Katja Akgün

Staff members:
Undine Proschmann
Christina Woopen
Martin Nötzel
Puya Shlachi Amirkhiz
Michaela Marggraf
Nicole Heubner
Stefanie Bodach
Andrea Brandis
Robin Blakowski

Doctoral students:
Wencke Lara Gräßner, Henriette Dodte, Ludwig Kamusella, Christoph Walter, Marie Dunsche, Felix Holzwarth, Lutz Lauber, Magdalena Müller-Enz, Oliver Heinzmann, Alexander Große, Georges Rahbani, Anna Alex, Celina Engel


Neuroimmunologisches Labor
at the Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
Fiedlerstraße 34
01307 Dresden

eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon: 0351-458-18575
Fax: 0351-458- 7341
